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American College of Podiatric Physicians and Surgeons

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The American College of Podiatric Physicians and Surgeons is a professional honor society. It was founded in 1991 in Chicago Illinois. Members have been inducted into the college through a nominating process by their peers. The nominating process takes into account the following, a demonstration of a high standard of patient care, dedication to the Health and Welfare of their community, and possessing superior academic work in the healthcare field. Every year the college receives nominations and a selection process picks outstanding podiatric physicians and surgeons to become members (Fellows) of the American College of Podiatric Physicians and surgeons. When selecting a podiatric physician and surgeon you can be assured that when choosing a member of the college for your foot and ankle care you have selected a member that belongs to a class above the rest. Board certification is not enough. Trust your foot and ankle care to a fellow of the American College of Podiatric Physicians and surgeons.

Our mission 

The mission of ACPPS is to promote the field of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery as the accepted premier foot and ankle care profession; achieving true parity with allopathic and osteopathic professions in the eyes of the patient communities, insurer communities and allopathic physician communities.


About us

ACPPS is a reputable organization representing podiatric physicians and surgeons, committed to promoting excellence in foot and ankle healthcare through education, research, and professional development

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